Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hard-Hitting Child Trafficking Documentary and Ministry Team in Kalispell After Nation-Wide Tour

Nefarious, Merchant of Souls, is a hard-hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends in modern sex slavery. From the very first scene, Nefarious ushers you into the nightmare of sex slavery that hundreds of thousands experience daily. The film shows where slaves are sold (often in developed, affluent countries), where they work, and where they are confined. It shows first-hand interviews with real victims and traffickers, along with expert analysis from international humanitarian leaders.

The screening took place at Headwaters Ministries in Whitefish last Thursday at 7 pm. Windie Jo Fischer organized the event, totally free to the public. “God has given me a burden for this issue,” she said. “The biggest thing is that awareness is such key factor. America is so far behind in acknowledging this issue.”

She pointed out, “A hundred thousand to three hundred thousand U.S. minors are being trafficked… there are only a hundred beds for rescue workers. Through awareness we can become knowledgeable on how to pray and what to pray for… we can combat this darkness through prayer and change the atmosphere of what’s going on.”

“It was a fluke how we got this documentary to come to Kalispell,” she said. The Nefarious documentary and screening comes with a ministry team. Windie called the organization, who only visits major market areas, and they called her back and agreed to stop in Kalispell on their way home from their nation-wide tour. Luke Dowler performed his “Silence is Shameful” track, which was written for child trafficking awareness.

The Flathead Abolitionist Movement published a 5 page report on local occurrences including bogus modeling gigs, the recent Valentines kidnapping and parents selling their kids for drugs. Windie is the founder and director of Just One Love Ministries. Stay tuned with her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/windiejo.

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